Dec 04, 2024
2021-2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
CSC2771 Special Topics: Embedded Systems Embedded systems are the little computers that run just about every gadget with which we interact. Your watch, alarm clock, microwave, coffee maker, and car all have them. They are everywhere, and they far outnumber traditional laptops, desktops, and mobile devices (which themselves have embedded systems. In this course, students will learn the basics of designing, configuring, and programming embedded systems. This course starts with an overview of binary, Boolean algebra, gates, combinational and sequential circuits, and memory. After seeing how these work, the course will transition to programming using a microcontroller platform to develop small embedded systems. For these embedded systems, students wil design and implement low-level applications in a single board microcontroller environment on their own and in teams. Special attention will be given to the target architecture, registers, timers, interrupts, and analog to digital conversion. Other topics may include I/O interfaces, 12C, and UART. Credits: 3.000
CSC 2635 Lecture Min Credits: 4.00 Min Grade: C $35.00