Jun 26, 2024  
2021-2022 Academic Catalog 
2021-2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

EDU1022 Technology for Learning and Living

Technology for Living and Learning will focus on a blend of technologies that are aimed at making everyday life easier such as setting up schedules on your phone and using voice apps on your devices to record or note important information. You will explore free and easily accessible wellness, productivity, text-to-speech, speech to text, concept mapping and notetaking tools that will serve you as a student and in the working world. You will have the opportunity to share what works for you with other students. You will learn through a process of on-line demonstration, hands-on practice, discussions, and on-line assignments. As a final project, you will design a Technology Toolkit where you choose the tools that will increase your efficiency, productivity, and the quality of you school, work, and personal lives. This project will demonstrate that you understand that tools best support your individual learning profile. Credits: 2.000