Sep 16, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

ART3021 Light

This Studio Art course is grounded in the concept of “Light.” This course will allow the student to continue to work in the same media of completed 2000 level Studio Art courses. Through a series of assignments, readings, group discussions, and critiques we will explore concepts of light. Topics may include light as vision, material, spiritual insight and light as truth, etc. Students will be expected to produce art projects, read texts, keep annotated notes, and write artist statements. As this course will include students working in different mediums, the class will create an environment of open inquiry and sharing, allowing students to become better able to ground their work in the larger discipline of Studio Art. One 2000 studio art course and one foundation course, both with a C or higer grade, are prerequisites for this course. Lab fee / materials fee applied to this course. Credits: 3.000

ART2251 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or CER2011 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or DRW2011 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or MUS2021 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or MUS2031 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or PHO2011 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or PHO2021 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or VID2011 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C $35.00