Sep 16, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

ART3035 ST:Art, Identity Politics, and Social Ch

In this Integrated Arts studio course, students will explore how art and artists employ identity as a means to effect social and political change. Through a series of art assignments, readings, group discussions, and critiques, students will delve into their own identities and the identities of others. Topics covered may include intersectionality ableism, racism, feminism, LGBTQA+ rights, and other social and environmental justice issues. This course will allow students to work in a variety of media by expanding upon their prior studio arts course(s). Students will be expected to produce art projects, interpret artwork, provide constructive criticism of each other’s work, and develop artist statements. Credits: 3

WRT1012 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C And CER1011 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or CER2011 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or DRW1011 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or DRW2011 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or PHO1011 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or PHO2021 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or PHO2031 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or PHO2041 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or VID1011 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or VID2011 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or VID2022 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or PNT2011 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 35