Mar 03, 2025  
2019-2020 Academic Catalog 
2019-2020 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

EDU2061 Spec Top: Education & Identity

Through panel discussions, presentations, and readings on topics such as neurodiversity, identity development, and career development, students will consider opportunities and challenges related to their own learning differences, education, and goals for the future. Theories of identity development, cognitive development, and career development will be among those discussed in relationship to the context of current cultural and economic shifts affecting the igeneration. Students will integrate this learning into their action plan, and present their findings to the class. A key component of the course will be the production of a portfolio that represents their work and learning to date as a tool which will be used to assess academic development. In addition, students will be expected to write an essay that situates their current college aspirations in the context of the trends and expectations of the 21st century. These assessments will help students navigate their next steps toward work or college programs, and support their development in the areas of written communication, interpersonal communication, life readiness, thinking, and self-insight. Students must have completed WRT 1011  , WRT 1012  , COM 1011  , andEDU 1001   or EDU 1011   as pre-requisites for this course. Credits: 3.000

(WRT 1011   Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 And WRT 1012   Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 And COM 1011   Lecture Min Credits: 3.00) And (EDU 1001   Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Or EDU 1011   Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Or EDU 1201   Lecture Min Credits: 2.00)