Oct 24, 2024  
2017-18 College Catalog 
2017-18 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Short Term Programs and Professional Certificate Courses


Short-Term Programs

Summer Session for Visiting College Students

Landmark College’s Summer Session for Visiting Students is designed to serve motivated college students with learning disabilities, ADHD, or ASD who want to improve their academic skills and increase academic confidence. Students who may benefit from the visiting program include students who study hard but earn grades below expectations, and who have difficulty managing course workload demands.

Visiting students can also earn college credits that may transfer to other colleges. Students who enroll in the Visiting Program learn systems that enhance reading comprehension, quantitative literacy, writing production, and executive functions.

This five-week Summer session features morning and afternoon classes each weekday with the opportunity to earn college credits, or focus solely on skill development.

Advising plays a central role in the visiting student’s summer experience. Each student is assigned an advisor who helps the student produce and achieve personal academic goals, fine-tune strategic approaches, and support the student in transitioning back to their home institution.

Summer Sessions for Landmark College Credit Students

Every summer, Landmark students have the opportunity to enroll in courses that earn credits toward their intended degree. A range of courses are offered as well as courses in a variety of disciplines. Some options also exist for students who need to recover credit. Students who elect to enroll in both Summer sessions are able to earn a semester’s worth of credit. This is a good option for students who work well in intensive courses, are looking to reduce college costs, and enjoy working more closely with their professors. Support resources are available during the summer months. Students enroll in the summer offerings during spring registration.

Transition Program for College-Bound High School Seniors

Landmark College’s Transition to College Program is designed to serve recent high school graduates with learning disabilities, ADHD, or ASD who have been accepted to a four-year college and are about to begin their first year.

The Transition to College Program provides college-bound students with an opportunity to learn how to successfully negotiate the challenges they will face as they begin their college experience. Students are immersed in a living/learning college experience and take courses taught by experienced Landmark College faculty. Students are encouraged to develop a clear understanding of their personal learning strengths and needs as well as discover how resources and self-advocacy can support their success in college.

To support a smooth transition to their next college, students will be guided to review the support services offered at the institution they will attend in the fall. All participants receive a personal learning plan including specific strategies to practice before arriving on campus as well as actions to take during their first few weeks on campus and throughout the first semester.

High School Summer Program

Landmark College’s High School Summer Program is designed for students who learn differently and are between the ages of 16 and 18 years. Additionally, students must have completed the sophomore year of high school.

This is a highly structured program that exposes students to skills and strategies that will help prepare each participant for the work to be done in college.

The three-week program for rising juniors and seniors encourages students to develop lifelong appreciation of learning through experiential and practical activities. Students in the program learn to apply writing process strategies, understand their academic strengths and personal learning style, integrate strategies and practice into content courses and begin to focus on the development of better daily habits for success.

The program curriculum is separated into three segments of course work: a core course that will provide a foundation for other coursework and activities in the program; a writing class that covers the basics of good writing; and general electives that will provide students with an opportunity to apply what they learn in both the core and the writing class. The general elective courses vary widely and offer students a chance to take a course not ordinarily available in a typical high school curriculum.

High School Summer Program - Social Pragmatics Track

This specially designed program for rising juniors and seniors between the ages of 16 and 18 who display characteristics of ASD or NVLD runs concurrently with the traditional Summer High School Program. It focuses on helping participants increase their potential for successful social connections while developing stronger academic routines. Students will learn and practice techniques and strategies that will allow them to better manage a variety of social environments. The Social Pragmatics Track will also provide academic stimulation with social cognition embedded throughout the curriculum.

Students will share many activities and classes with the traditional Summer High School Program, as well as participate in specifically designed programming aimed at their needs and interests. In particular, this track will feature a more intensive on-campus orientation, specialized residential setting, and a low student to faculty and staff ratio.

January Term

The January Term is a three-week program for students who wish to earn academic credits toward their degree while also experiencing typical Vermont winter activities. The schedule is designed so that students enroll in one class that meets three or four days a week and then offers instruction at a nearby ski resort for skiing or snowboarding at an additional cost. For those less inclined to participate in skiing or snowboarding, other physical education options are offered on campus. This program is designed on a model of health and wellness and encourages students to be active intellectually and physically. Thus, students are also required to enroll in a one-credit physical education course as part of January Term.

Landmark College Institute for Research and Training

Established in 2001, the Landmark College Institute for Research and Training (LCIRT) serves as the College’s research, advocacy, consulting, and professional development arm, to share the College’s innovative and groundbreaking techniques for supporting students who learn differently with educators and administrators nationwide. LCIRT serves the dual role of research leadership and professional training.

Fully integrated within the College, LCIRT is instrumental in promoting and leveraging the knowledge and expertise of Landmark College’s faculty and staff. LCIRT research initiatives emphasize both basic research and applied work, demonstrating the value and effectiveness of Universal Design, assistive technology, and methods to improve on-campus education and student life.

Additionally, LCIRT staff members provide professional development and consulting services to educators, parents, and other professionals, throughout the country. Services are tailored to the needs of different audiences, including administrators, student service providers, and secondary and postsecondary educators. Offerings range from comprehensive organizational assessments to identify strengths and needs for serving struggling students, to single seminars, multiple-day workshops, and professional certificate courses. Topics include implementing Universal Design and effective instructional practices, understanding learning disabilities, ADHD, and ASD, using assistive and mainstream technologies to promote learning, and advocating for organizational change in educational and professional systems.

Landmark College Professional Certificate Program in Universal Design: Technology Integration (UD:TI)

Landmark College offers post-baccalaureate blended/online low-residency professional certificate courses in Executive Function and LD: Integrating Strategies, Study Skills, and Technology for professionals and graduate students in the fields of education, technology, and support services. Courses are taught using a combination of online instruction and real-time face-to-face learning via social platforms such as Skype. A low-residency component (only one weekend on-site for the third course and one week for the Capstone course) together with a blended course format, make this an ideal option for busy educators and graduate students.

Full Certificate or Selected Class Options: Completion of all classes will lead to the certificate. Individual courses of interest may be taken to receive Landmark College micro-credentials in the focus area(s) of the course. 

Certificate course content is developed by Landmark College. Students completing all certificate course requirements receive a Certificate of Completion from Landmark College. Graduate-level credits are offered by the Marlboro College School of Graduate and Professional Studies to students who receive a grade of 80 percent or above in the course.