Dec 04, 2024  
2014-15 Landmark College Catalog 
2014-15 Landmark College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CS1301 Intro to Interactive Digital Design

This course introduces interactive game design, game play fundamentals, and the roles within the development team. A history and philosophy of game development and game development careers will also be explored. Students will explore games via analysis and critique, decomposition, and designing a new game. Various game genres, game play, storytelling, and social impacts of gaming will be considered. Students need to be placed at math level L3 or higher. Credits: 3

Prereq: (EN1011  Lecture (May be taken concurrently) Min Credits: 3.00 And ( FY1011  Lecture (May be taken concurrently) Min Credits: 3.00 Or FY1001  Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Or FY1101  Lecture (May be taken concurrently) Min Credits: 2.00) And MATH Placement Test 3.0000