Mar 12, 2025
2017-18 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PSY3011 Social Science Research This course will provide an introduction to the methods employed in conducting research in the social sciences. The main goal of this course is to help students to become critical and enthusiastic consumers of social science research and to learn how to interpret and design research studies. The course syllabus will cover eight or nine major units such as research ethics, defining and measuring variables, case studies, correlational research, the experiment, and observation. Students will survey a range of academic research, and explore the processes that were used to create a variety of studies. Course work will include a focus on how to locate research studies and evaluate their quality and usefulness. Students will read several peer reviewed articles, and they will write formal reviews of four articles taken from professional journals. The course will culminate in the writing and presentation of a mock research proposal including the determination of a research question, a review of pertinent literature, and a plan for data collection and analysis. Students must have completed three courses at the 2000 level, with grades of C or higher, one of which must be in Education or a Social Science discipline, as prerequisites for this course. Credits: 3.000
WRT 1012 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00