Sep 11, 2024  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Environmental Biology Minor

A minor in Environmental Biology will provide students with the tools and the general understanding of environment-related issues necessary to live and work in an increasingly interdependent society.

Students who complete the minor should be able to:

  • Apply the scientific method and quantitative techniques to describe, monitor, and understand environmental systems.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in ecological field methods such as wildlife survey, biodiversity assessment, mathematical modeling, and monitoring of ecological systems.
  • Use scientific sources to support an argument or discussion.

A minor in Environmental Biology requires 18 total credits. Students must earn an average of C or better in all 18 credits. At least nine credits in the minor must be Landmark College institutional credits. Students may not minor in Environmental Biology if they are majoring in the B.S. in Life Science. At least nine credits earned in the minor must be unique to the minor and not applied toward requirements in the student’s major or any other minor.

Environmental Biology Electives : 14 credits

14 credits total: minimum of 4 credits at the 1000 level, 7 credits at the 2000 level, 3 credits at the 3000/4000 level

1000 level:

2000 level:

3000/4000 level: