Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism
As an academic community, Landmark strives to instill and foster intellectual honesty and integrity. Effective evaluation of student work can occur only in an environment in which intellectual honesty is respected. Academic dishonesty is a clear violation of academic integrity and academic responsibility. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to inappropriate giving or receiving of aid during tests, and plagiarism.
To plagiarize is to give the impression that a thought or a piece of writing is original, when, in fact, it is borrowed from another without providing a reference.
Each student is responsible for ensuring that his or her work does not involve plagiarism. Ignorance of plagiarism, or of Landmark rules, is not a mitigating circumstance. Students with questions about plagiarism should consult the professor of the course for whom they are preparing work.
The minimum penalty for plagiarism is no credit (recorded as a zero for the purpose of determining the student’s course grade) for the unit of work in which plagiarism occurs unless the professor deems the specific nature of the infraction allows for a revised submission of the assignment for credit.
The maximum penalty for first offense plagiarism is a failing grade for the course in which the plagiarism occurs. In cases of repeated offense, suspension or expulsion from Landmark may be imposed at the discretion of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President. No opportunity may be granted to make up or otherwise fulfill the requirements of the unit of work involved. A student suspended from Landmark may not transfer to Landmark any course credits earned at other institutions during the period of suspension.
Professors are expected to report any suspected cases of academic dishonesty and plagiarism to the Registrar.
Procedures if a suspected infraction occurs:
- Professor meets with student within 5 days.
- Professor determines infraction occurred.
- Depending on circumstances (as assessed by faculty member) the penalty imposed could be (a), (b) or (c)
- resubmission of assignment complying with accepted conditions;
- failure of assignment;
- failure of the course.
- All infractions are reported to the department chair, student advisor, the Dean of the School of Education, and Registrar.
- All documented cases of plagiarism will be kept on file in the student’s registrar’s file. Documentation should include a copy of the notification and result of finding.
Academic Engagement
Academic Engagement:
Constructive engagement with the academic curriculum is a fundamental assumption of participation in higher education. For continued enrollment at Landmark College, students are expected to be engaged productively and consistently in the academic program.
For face-to-face classes/courses, students demonstrate academic engagement by:
- Attending classes consistently and regularly to meet course expectations
- Completing (or show attempts to complete) assignments in all courses
- Maintaining a passing grades in a majority of courses
- Using campus resources provided by the College to support and enhance academic performance including faculty office hours and academic support sessions.
Classes/courses delivered at a distance [or 100% online], are expected to ensure regular and substantive interaction with students by providing opportunities for interactions on a predictable and scheduled basis. Students demonstrate academic engagement through:
- Participating in direct instruction sessions (asynchronous or synchronous)
- Completing assessment activities
- Posting/responding to discussion forums
- Submitting/completing assignments
- Communicating with the instructor
- Other course participation as defined in the course syllabus.
Consistent with federal regulations, distance education is defined as “education that uses one or more of the following technologies to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the instructor(s) and to support regular and substantive interaction between students and the instructor(s), either synchronously or asynchronously:
(a) the internet;
(b) one-way and two-way transmissions through open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, broadband lines, fiber optics, satellite, or wireless communications devices;
(c) audio conference;
(d) other media used in a course in conjunction with any of the above technologies.”
(NECHE policy on distance education, September 2021)
Students who fail to meet minimum standards of academic engagement will be required to participate in any academic intervention meetings deemed necessary by the college and follow through on any designated action plans/learning contracts.
Students who fail to demonstrate minimum standards of academic engagement, fail to respond to intervention for an extended period (over two weeks), and fail to meet the conditions of their action plans/learning contracts within a reasonable period of time, as determined by the Dean of the School of Education, will be liable for involuntary withdrawal from the College by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Any student involuntarily withdrawn under the Academic Engagement Policy has the right to appeal directly to the President of the College. Students who are involuntarily withdrawn under this policy may be eligible to reapply to the College, depending on the conditions specified in their exit paperwork.
It is the policy of Landmark College to require attendance (or the equivalent as defined for distance education) in all classes, to ensure intensive and consistent instruction. Faculty are required to monitor students’ academic engagement/attendance on a regular basis and report lack of attendance in face to face classes or engagement in distance classes as an absence. Students who miss classes may be subject to academic disciplinary action as described in the Administrative Withdrawal Policy and the Student Handbook. Consequences for non-attendance can lead to suspension from the college, as described in the involuntary withdrawal policy. Students are reminded to check course syllabi for professor’s grading policies with regard to attendance/academic engagement.
Academic Standing
A term and cumulative grade point average (GPA) is calculated for each student at the end of the term, (fall and spring). Academic standing is determined for students in the Credit Curriculum only. This determination is based on the student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) at the end of a term. A semester is defined as the Fall or Spring term. Summer term or January term credit courses and study abroad do not constitute semesters, although grades earned during these programs are factored into the cumulative GPA.
The following categories represent the Landmark College policy regarding Academic Standing definitions:
- Dean’s List: Complete a minimum of 12 credits* with no grade lower than “B” in a given semester.
* Students who have gone through a formal accommodation process that allows for a reduced load may be eligible for Dean’s List.
- Good Standing: Maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better.
- Academic Warning: Falling below a cumulative GPA of 2.0, or below a GPA of 1.8 if a first semester student.
- Academic Probation: Failure to remain in good standing as the result of a cumulative GPA that falls below 2.0 for two consecutive semesters.
- Academic Suspension: If the student’s cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 at the end of the third consecutive semester, the student will be suspended from the College for one year. Decisions to suspend or continue on probation will be made at the discretion of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, following a recommendation by the Dean of the School of Education, after consultation with the student’s professors and advisor.
Appealing Suspension: A student placed on suspension can appeal the ruling in writing to the Vice President of Academic Affairs within one calendar week of notification of suspension. The appeal should consist of a letter of intention, outlining why the student’s appeal should be considered, and an academic plan for success that the student intends to abide by if the appeal is granted.
Students who enter the College in the STEP point of entry are expected to earn passing grades of C or better in WRT0911 Practical Writing and EDU 0911 Reading and Study Skills. In addition to grade requirements, students take a proficiency exam after semester 1 for second semester placement and after semester 2 to determine eligibility for continued enrollment. Students may be eligible to enter the credit curriculum after one or two semesters of the STEP curriculum if they earn a C or better in Writing 0911 and EDU 0911 and demonstrate proficiency for full- time credit- level curriculum. Students who complete the two -semester sequence of the STEP curriculum and are unable to meet the minimum grade requirements and demonstrate proficiency for college level reading and writing may not be eligible to continue enrollment.
Landmark College courses are offered in a manner consistent with higher education standards for course content appropriate to the field of study, and reflect expectations appropriate for the level and amount of student learning. The award of credit is based on policies developed and overseen by the faculty and academic administration. Direct oversight and assessment of courses is primarily facilitated by the department (and department chair) offering the course There is demonstrable academic content for all experiences for which credit is awarded, including study abroad, internships, independent study, and service learning. No credit toward graduation is awarded for work designed to prepare the student for collegiate study. Students can expect that all Landmark College courses will include:
- A syllabus that includes appropriate student learning outcomes
- A Grading Policy that details the nature and weight of assessments
- A Regular class meeting time
- The use of college systems for communicating and documenting progress and/or concerns
In alignment with federal regulations, Landmark College assigns credit hours to courses according to what is considered a minimum and reasonable amount of academic time that students need in order to prepare for and achieve intended learning outcomes.
At Landmark, each credit hour of instruction consists of 60 minutes of classroom time. In addition to class attendance, students are expected to complete at least two additional weekly hours of academic activity outside of class for each credit hour of instruction. (For example, for a 3-credit course, students are expected each week to attend class for 3 hours and 45 minutes and to complete approximately 6 hours of additional class-related work.)
This standard also applies to courses that are offered via distance delivery systems (online and hybrid). These courses are designed in collaboration with content experts who are able to assure that student demands are equivalent to those required in face-to-face courses.
Internships and study abroad experiences offer academic credit that is applicable to a program of study. These endeavors are approved, supervised, and evaluated by faculty who are charged with maintaining the academic integrity of the experience, developing learning objectives, and measuring outcomes. Time on academic task requirements are at least the same for these courses as they would be for more traditional academic experiences.
Add / Drop/ Withdraw from Courses
Students may add courses during the first week and a half of the 15-week semester, or within the first 10% of an instructional block. Students are responsible for completing the work already in progress in courses added during this period.
Students may drop courses without record prior to the end of the fourth instructional week of the 15-week semester, or within the first third of an instructional block.
The calendar date deadline for adding and dropping courses each semester and each instructional block is posted on the Academic Calendar.
Student advisor approval is required to add or drop a course. The chair of the department offering the course must also give approval if the student requires a waiver of a pre-requisite to be able to add the course.
Students can withdraw from any course, for any reason, prior to the end of week 8 of the 15-week semester, or within the first two-thirds of an instructional block, without affecting the student’s GPA. The grade of W will appear on the student’s transcript for withdrawals prior to the end of week 8 in a 15-week semester, or before the last third of the instructional block.
To withdraw from a course the student must submit a complete Course Withdrawal form signed by their advisor. After week 8, or in the last third of the instructional block, any student who withdraws from a course must have either a grade of WP (withdraw-passing), or WF (withdraw-failing) specified on the form, depending on the student’s grade in the course at the time of the withdrawal. A grade of W, WP, or WF must be specified on the form. The grade of WF is the same grade as an F and is factored into the student’s GPA as an F.
A student can take a WP or WF until the end of the last day of classes in the semester or the instructional block. The approved form must be submitted to the Registrar. The Registrar confirms the withdrawal via email with the student, advisor, professor, and chair.
Matriculated degree-seeking students are allowed to audit courses offered at the College.
- Priority for enrollment is given to those students who are not auditing the course.
- A student may elect to change a course they are auditing to regular enrollment during the add period of the semester only.
- A student may elect to change a course is which they are enrolled to an audit during the drop period of the semester only.
- To select or deselect the Audit Option, an Audit form must be completed and approved by the student’s advisor, the course professor, and the appropriate department chair.
A record of the audit appears on the student’s transcript, but no credit can be earned for the course, and no letter grade can be earned or factored into the student’s GPA.
Extensions beyond the end of the semester are granted only in cases for which the student has a documented illness or is unable to complete the course due to documented circumstances beyond the control of the student. In such cases, an extension will be granted only if the student has completed a substantial proportion of the coursework for the class in which the extension is requested.
The deadline for late work to be submitted can be no later than 30 days past the date that final grades are due to the Registrar. The professor of the course, the department chair, and the School Dean must approve the extension before it is submitted to the Registrar’s Office, necessitating that the extension form be submitted to the Dean by the date that the final grades are due to the Registrar.
Landmark College does not provide a grade of IN or incomplete.
Independent study is defined as individual academic work in a discipline, such as reading, writing, creative arts, experimental research, or scientific study, under the direct sponsorship of a qualified Landmark College faculty member.
Qualified students may pursue independent study in an academic area related to their degree interests. An independent study can be designated at either 1 or 3 credits. Students eligible for independent study need to have a 2.5 GPA or permission of the School Dean and need to have completed 12 Landmark College credits. Three-credit independent study courses will be graded, and one-credit courses may have the option of being taken as pass/fail.
Students may not take more than 3 credits of independent study in a semester. The maximum number of independent study credits that can be applied to a Landmark College Associate degree is 9 (or the equivalent of three 3-credit courses). The maximum number of independent study credits that can be applied to a Landmark College Bachelor’s degree is 12 (or the equivalent of four 3-credit courses). Students requesting independent study credits beyond the maximum require the permission of the School Dean.
Student-initiated proposals are submitted by the student and the faculty member to the Department Chair (or designate) and School Dean before the beginning of the second registration period.
Independent study courses follow departmental and curriculum committee guidelines and carry departmental codes. Independent studies cannot be courses that are already offered at Landmark College, but rather the study of a particular area within a discipline that is not part of our curriculum. Students will be expected to meet with faculty one hour per week, and independent class time is commensurate with in-class courses of equivalent credits and level.
Independent studies must be taken with a member of the Landmark College faculty.
Students are not guaranteed to be able to receive an independent study.
Students will complete an evaluation of the independent study.
Internship Policy
Internship Standards, Eligibility, and Process
An academic, credit bearing internship is an opportunity for students to gain experience in a career related occupational setting in order to develop professional skills outside of the traditional college/university classroom environment.
The following outlines Landmark College internship standards:
1) Internships at the 2000 level are exploratory in nature and provide a general feel for a career path or field of interest.
2) Internships at the 3000 level provide a more in-depth learning and work experience related to a student’s career goals or field of interest.
3) Internships at the 4000 level require more advanced knowledge and experience, this could be considered an entry level position.
4) All internships must have a content area affiliation indicated by the three letter course code assigned by the Dean of Education. The relevant school dean, in consultation with subject area faculty, determine if prerequisite knowledge is required for the position.
5) Internships must have clear job descriptions and be directly supervised on site.
6) Internship work experiences are substantive and challenging. They are mutually beneficial for the both employer and the student.
7) Internships may not be supervised by a member of the student’s immediate family or by the faculty of record for the online internship facilitation course.
8) Internships can take place in a for-profit or non-profit setting and can either be paid or unpaid. Work study money can be used to pay for a legitimate internship.
9) Internships are credit bearing experiences. Credit load is assigned by the content area dean based on the number of contact hours (time spent on-site performing the activities of an intern). All internships are supported by a common online class:
30-59 hours of contact time + active participation in the online course = 1 credit
10) To be considered an internship on the Landmark College transcript, the internship must be taken for credit.
Student Eligibility
1) In order to be eligible to participate in an internship, a student must have earned twelve (12) credits at Landmark College with a minimum GPA of 2.5 and be in good judicial standing. Exceptions to these criteria must be approved by the Dean of School where the internship is designated.
Registration Process
1) Internships may be taken during each academic session (Fall/Spring semester, Summer, J-Term) but must be completed during the session for which the internship is designated.
2) Students are encouraged to work with the office of Career Connections prior to the registration period to identify approved internship opportunities, prepare resumes, cover letters, and practice for interviews.
3) Once the student is hired by an approved internship provider, the student must get a signed work agreement contract from the employer. Students may obtain this contract through Career Connections.
4) Students must meet with the department chair and complete the internship approval form.
5) Student eligibility, the signed work agreement, and the internship approval form must be on file with the Registrar for a student to be able to register for the online course/internship.
6) All internships are facilitated by an online course. For the internship to be credit bearing, the student must be registered for the online course. Students must register for the internship during the registration period for the semester or session in which the internship will be taking place. No internship registrations will be permitted past the deadlines for course registration of the semester or session in which the internship will take place. Therefore, both the signed work agreement, and the internship approval form must be obtained prior to (or during) the registration period.
7) A maximum of three internship credits may be counted toward the Associate degrees and a maximum of 12 credits may be counted towards the Bachelor’s degree.
8) Internships are recorded as electives for most Associate degree seeking students. An three-credit internship will fulfill the alternative study requirements in the Business Studies AA program.
9) A three-credit internship at the 2000 or 3000 or 4000 level can fulfill the Baccalaureate general education requirement for alternative study.
10) Landmark College will not retroactively approve credit for internships.
Class Cancellation
Faculty or Administration will notify the college when classes are cancelled. Official notices of class cancellations and faculty absences are posted each day during the academic year on SharkNet.
Administrative Course Withdrawal
After the deadline for dropping courses has passed, students may be administratively withdrawn from a course at the discretion of their professor. Administrative withdrawals cannot occur during the last ten days of the semester or in the last twenty percent of an instructional block. Administrative Withdrawals are considered only after other efforts to promote student success have failed.
Faculty may withdraw a student from their course if:
- The student has missed an equivalent of two weeks of the course, and
- The student has missed too many scheduled opportunities to meet the course learning objectives, such as assignment completion, or office hour appointments, and
- The student is in violation of the academic engagement policy.
Process for administrative withdrawal from a course:
Administrative withdrawals can only begin after the drop period has ended as posted on the Academic Calendar.
Before initiating an Administrative Withdrawal a professor must:
- Document the student’s attendance and grades in the SIS system in a timely manner for the student and the student’s advisor.
- Attempt to meet with the student to provide guidance and support.
- Issue no fewer than three academic warning notices in the SIS system to document the accumulation of absences and the related academic performance difficulties that justify an administrative withdrawal. Student will have at least 2 academic days from issuance of the third warning to respond to the professor.
- Issue a SIS comment stating that an administrative withdrawal has been initiated.
Once administrative withdrawal is initiated:
- The faculty member submits the withdrawal form to the department chair for approval.
- Depending on the student’s grade in the course at the time of the withdrawal, the faculty member indicates a grade of W (prior to week 8), WP, or WF on the form. The grade of WF is the same grade as an F and is factored into the student’s GPA as an F.
- If the department chair is the faculty of record, the administrative withdrawal form should be submitted to the School Dean for approval.
- The chair (or Dean) communicates with the student, the professor and the advisor setting the timeline for finalized withdrawals and the appeal process.
- If there is no appeal, or the appeal is denied, the chair (or Dean) communicates with the Registrar to record the withdrawal from the class. The Registrar confirms the withdrawal via email with the student, advisor, professor, and chair.
Administrative Course Withdrawal Appeal Process
Any student administratively withdrawn from a course has the right to make an appeal. The following guidelines govern the appeal process:
- The student submits a written appeal that includes an action plan that outlines specific steps to re-engage in the course. This appeal must be submitted within five (5) working days of notification of administrative course withdrawal and submitted to the department chair and the professor.
- The student must attend class during the appeal process.
The department chair, in consultation with the professor, will make the final decision on the appeal based on:
- A review of the student’s overall participation and performance in the course and the student’s written appeal which includes an action plan.
- A review of the professor’s required documentation.
- The department chair communicates the student’s status with the professor during the 5-day appeal period.
- In the case that the appeal is denied, the chair communicates with the Registrar to record the withdrawal from the class.
Multiple Administrative Course Withdrawals
In some cases, students are administratively withdrawn from multiple courses during the semester. In these cases, any student enrolled in only two courses will be reviewed by the Academic Intervention Team unless the student’s initial plan included course load reduction. Students who begin a semester with four or five academic courses, and reduce their course load to two or fewer will initiate the Academic Intervention Team’s review. This team will present a recommendation to the Dean of the School of Education who will meet with the student to discuss the possibility of Involuntary Withdrawal from the College.
Copyright Statement
It is the intent of Landmark College that all members of the College community adhere to the provisions of the United States Copyright Law (Title 17, United States Code, Sect. 101, et seq). Members of the College community who willfully disregard the copyright policy do so at their own risk and assume all liability.
For the Landmark College policy on the copyrightable works created by the College’s faculty and staff while engaged in College-associated activities, please visit the Landmark College Copyright Policy in the Employee Handbook:
Copyright Clearance
Landmark College maintains an institutional license with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) for copyright permissions from thousands of publishers. The College expects faculty and staff to obtain permission for the distribution of copyright-protected materials via the CCC’s easy-to-use interface.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act Agent
In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Pub. L. 105-304, Landmark College has designated a DMCA agent to receive notification of alleged copyright infringement occurring in the domain. Contact to report any concerns.
Copyright Support
The Landmark College Library offers assistance with:
- using the Copyright Clearance Center’s Annual License permissions interface
- finding other options for resources not covered by the CCC license
- finding resources on copyright issues pertaining to faculty and staff
The Library staff cannot, however, offer any legal advice about copyright.
Recording Classes
Federal laws, including the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, require institutions of higher education to provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Permission to make recordings of lectures and class discussions is a reasonable accommodation for many students with language-based learning disabilities, attention disorders, communication disorders, and significant difficulties with executive functions.
For the purposes of private academic study and review, Landmark College students may record class lectures and discussions using analog or digital technology, including audio, video, still photos, and other forms of capture technology as they become available.
Classroom faculty may record their own class lectures and discussions to serve various purposes at the discretion of the faculty member. These purposes include academic research (with Institutional Review Board approval), professional development, and digitization of course content for access through course websites and other formats.
All course materials (lectures, discussions, handouts, examinations, web materials) and the general, intellectual contents of each course at Landmark College are protected under federal copyright laws. The content of any recording of a lecture or class discussion is protected under federal copyright law and may not be published, quoted, or shared without the consent of the faculty member.
The College’s Policy on Academic Freedom will prevail in all applications of the Recording policy. Classroom recordings created under the policy cannot be used by students for purposes other than as a tool to support personal study and review of course material for test preparation and similar, academic uses related to the course.
Students are required to inform faculty before recording class lectures and discussions for such personal, academic study, and review. Faculty members are required to inform students when recording class lectures and activities that include student participation. If a faculty member records classes to support research activities, the faculty member must obtain informed consent from students before incorporating student-generated data in the research. (Faculty members and others wishing to conduct classroom-based research are required to adhere to protocols, set by the College’s Institutional Review Board, that govern such research.)
Students and professors making classroom recordings are responsible for keeping sensitive and personal materials private. Students and professors may not publish, quote, or share classroom recordings in publicly accessible locations, and in real or digital (e.g., networked or online) environments, without the expressed consent of the individuals being recorded or affected by the recordings. Any violation of these requirements will be viewed by the College as a serious violation of the College’s rules, and will result in College discipline and other remedies as appropriate. Students who wish to make recordings in class will be required to sign an acknowledgment that they understand and will comply with these requirements.
In cases for which students may be absent from classes, professors should not be expected to provide students with a recording of the class meeting.
The syllabus for each course at the College must include a statement that students are allowed to record in the classroom for study and review. Course syllabi should also state that any student concerned about the creation of classroom recordings should speak with the professor about the concerns at the outset of the course.
Declaration of Degree, Majors, Concentrations, and Minors
Degree Defined: A degree is a blanket term that refers to a complete program offered by the college. The degree is the credential a student earns by meeting a series of requirements and completing a specific number of credits, either 60-61 credits (Associate level) or 120-122 credits (Baccalaureate level).
Landmark College offers four undergraduate degrees, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Associate of Arts and Associate of Science. Arts degrees are generally more expansive requiring a variety of liberal arts courses. Science degrees are generally more focused on a specific specialization or area of study. A complete degree program is comprised of a general education core, major requirements, major distribution requirements, and electives. Students can also use their electives to complete an optional minor and/or a concentration.
Declaring a degree: Students indicate what level of educational goal they are attempting by enrolling at Landmark College when they are admitted to the college. They do this by declaring a degree (Bachelor’s or Associate’s). At this point, Enrollment Management should capture if a student is interested in completing that degree with Landmark College or if they intend to transfer.
Major Defined: A major is the specialization or area of focus within the degree. It refers to the academic discipline to which an undergraduate student formally commits. While a student may be qualified to be matriculated to seek a degree at Landmark College, some majors require additional qualifications to be accepted into the major. Students must earn a C or better in the specific courses identified as major requirements listed in the Landmark College Academic Catalog. Students are expected to earn a C (2.0) average in major requirements to graduate.
Declaring a major: In order to assure satisfactory academic progress towards a degree, students are required to declare a specific major.
- Students accepted to the full credit curriculum may declare their major upon entry into Landmark College.
- Students who are placed into the Strategic Transition Entry Point (STEP) or the Language Intensive Curriculum (LIC), will have an undeclared degree listed as their degree of interest at the point of entry.
- Students placed into the STEP or LIC may declare their major in the semester in which they are enrolled in full credit.
- Students are required to declare a major by the conclusion of their second semester in the full credit program. If a student has not declared a major by the start of the third semester they will not be allowed to register for additional credits.
- Transfer students with 30 or more transfer credits must declare a major before their second semester registration begins in their first semester or they will not be allowed to register for additional credits.
- Transfer students who have earned an Associate degree must declare a major before registering for their first semester.
- Students are obligated to meet the degree requirements published in the academic catalog of the academic year in which the declaration of major is accepted.
- Landmark College will honor degree requirements for students who have declared a major and who have left the College for up to four semesters at which point the student must declare the major under the new major requirements.
- Students are allowed to re-declare newer major requirements but cannot revert to older requirements once that re-declaration has been accepted.
- Students who graduate with an AA or AS degree from Landmark College but who enroll for subsequent semesters must declare a BA or BS degree and major before registering for courses in the subsequent semester.
- The Declaration of Degree and Major form, signed by the student and advisor, will be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.
- The Registrar’s Office will record the students’ degree and major choice which will then appear on their transcripts, schedules, and in the Power Campus database for tracking purposes. The date the student declares will be available through Student Central.
Minors Defined: Minors are available to declared baccalaureate degree students as an option in the Landmark College curriculum. A minor is not required to earn a bachelor’s degree. A minor provides a student with an opportunity to take on a second area of focus beyond the major. This could be an area that compliments the student’s major or different area of interest a student wants to explore. Engaging in the study of a discipline through a minor promotes connections to multiple departments, as well as to a subject area that a student may choose to pursue beyond the attainment of their bachelor’s degree. A completed minor is noted on a student’s degree transcript and serves as further demonstration of a student’s intellectual persistence and dedication to a particular academic discipline. A minor requires at least 21 credits which includes at least 9 credits at the 3000/4000 level. Minors outline 6-9 required credits plus a choice of distribution requirements. Minor required courses include a foundation course (1000/2000) and at least one course at the 3000/4000 level. Students must earn a C or better in the specific courses listed in the Landmark College Academic Catalog as minor requirements for the program. Students can apply 6-8 credits that count as requirements for a major program toward a minor. Distribution electives in a major can be applied toward the minor. Six credits from transferred courses can apply towards a minor.
Declaring a Minor: Any student who elects to pursue a minor must submit a Declaration of Minor form to the Registrar by the conclusion of the add period in the year in which they plan to complete the bachelor’s degree. The minor option is voluntary. Students who wish to pursue more than one minor must have permission from the Dean of the School offering the second minor.
Concentration Defined: Concentrations are available to declared associate degree students as an option in the Landmark College curriculum. A concentration is not required to earn an associate’s degree. A concentration focuses on an area of interest that a student wishes to explore. A concentration could include pre-requisite course work that articulates with a Landmark College bachelor’s degree. A completed concentration is noted on a student’s degree transcript and serves as further demonstration of a student’s intellectual persistence and dedication to a particular academic discipline. A concentration requires 15-16 credits which includes specific concentration course requirements and (in some cases) distribution requirements. Students must earn a C or better in all 15-16 credits. Students may apply transfer credits towards the achievement of a concentration.
Declaring a Concentration: Any student who elects to pursue a concentration must submit a Declaration of Concentration form to the Registrar by the conclusion of the add period in the semester in which they plan to complete their associate’s degree. The concentration option is voluntary.
FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (“FERPA”) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. For the full text of this notifications, please see the Student Handbook. Neither this summary nor the full notification of students’ rights under FERPA published in the Student Handbook is intended to create contractual or other rights or remedies beyond any created by FERPA itself.
Student rights under FERPA include:
- The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the College receives a request for access.
- The right to request the amendment of an education record that the student believes is inaccurate.
- The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
- The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
Psycho-Educational Evaluations and Related Medical Records Procedures
Landmark College accepts the Association on Higher Education and Disability’s (AHEAD) interpretation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) regarding disability-related information. Specifically, disability-related information “should be treated as medical information and handled under the same strict rules of confidentiality as is other medical information. This includes the comprehensive documentation from an appropriate source that persons with disabilities are often required to provide to establish the existence of their disability and their need for accommodation or consideration” (emphasis added) [Association on Higher Education and Disability’s pamphlet “Confidentiality and Disability Issues in Higher Education” (2001)].
AHEAD further maintains that: “In the U.S., the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment, provides students with access to their own educational records…Treatment records of a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional are exempt from disclosure under FERPA” (emphasis added).
The medical records, including psycho-educational evaluations and related information, are therefore not part of the educational record of the student, and may not be disclosed. As detailed in 34 CFR Part 99, Subpart A, the term “education records” does not include “Records on a student who is 18 years of age or older, or is attending an institution of postsecondary education, that are…Made or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional acting in his or her professional capacity or assisting in a paraprofessional capacity.” [For full information on FERPA, go to].
In accordance with federal law, Landmark College will not transfer, release, disclose, or otherwise offer for inspection for any purpose those records that are exempt from disclosure under FERPA, specifically including psycho-educational and related records.
A student’s grade point average is calculated based on two values. The first is the total credit hours the student has taken, and the second is the total quality points the student has earned. When a GPA calculation extends beyond two decimal places it is truncated (a GPA calculation of 1.456 would be evaluated as 1.45.) The total credit hours a student has taken is equal to the sum of the credit hours assigned to each course she has successfully completed. It is the policy of Landmark College that the following shall constitute its Grading:
Letter Grade |
GPA Equivalency |
Grade Scale |
Definition (credit courses only) |
A |
4.0 |
93-100 |
Excellent; distinguished achievement in all phases of the course |
A- |
3.7 |
90-92 |
B+ |
3.3 |
87-89 |
Very good; high level of achievement in some phases of the course |
B |
3.0 |
83-86 |
B- |
2.7 |
80-82 |
C+ |
2.3 |
77-79 |
Fair; basic understanding of subject has been demonstrated |
C |
2.0 |
73-76 |
C- |
1.7 |
70-72 |
D+ |
1.3 |
67-69 |
Poor; minimal performance |
D |
1.0 |
63-66 |
D- |
0.7 |
60-62 |
F |
0.0 |
0-59 |
Failure |
Other Marks
AU |
Audited a course |
CR |
Credit |
EX |
Extension - Issued by professor with prior approval of the Academic Dean to indicate that the student is continuing to work on course requirements for an extra semester without penalty in final grade |
LP |
Low Pass - Issued by the registrar in a P/LP/F selected option course. See Pass/Low Pass /Fail policy for details. |
NC |
No credit - Issued by the professor in a Credit/No Credit grading option course |
P |
Pass |
S |
Satisfactory - Issued by the professor for the noncredit courses in the Visiting Student Summer session |
TR |
Transfer Credit |
U |
Unsatisfactory - Issued by the professor for the noncredit courses in the Visiting Student Summer Session. |
W |
Withdrawn from course (student’s progress not specified at time of withdrawal; a WF is included in the student’s GPA in the same way that an F is included) |
WP |
Withdrawn from course (passing) |
WF |
Withdrawn from course (failing) |
AU, P, LP, CR, NC, S, TR, U, W, or WP - no quality points earned; not counted in GPA credits
Letter-graded, credit-bearing courses in which the student earns a grade of C- or lower may be retaken once for forgiveness.
Courses to be forgiven must be taken at Landmark College. As per our transfer credit policy, we do not transfer grades from other colleges.
Credits will be earned only once for courses which are repeated and forgiven.
Upon completion of the second attempt in the course, the higher of the two grades for the course will be recorded and factored into the student’s GPA. The original attempt (course title, code and grade) will remain on the student’s transcript, the grade forgiven in brackets.
Upon a successful repeat, original notations of the student’s academic status based on the earlier GPA calculation (academic warning or academic probation) will not be changed and will remain on the student’s transcript.
A student who earns a grade of W, or WP in a course, and takes the course again is not considered to be using the forgiveness policy. If the student earns a C- or lower in a course on the second attempt for which he or she has had a W or WP on the first attempt, the student can take the course a third time using the forgiveness policy. A record of all three attempts will appear on the transcript, however, the highest grade earned in the class is the grade which will be used to figure the student’s GPA.
A student may appeal a final grade in a course under the following specific conditions:
- The student may submit an appeal based on the claim that the professor of the course failed to adhere to the stated grading policy of the course as the policy appears in the course syllabus.
- The student may submit an appeal based on a claim that the professor of the course was discriminatory in failing to apply documented criteria for grading that appears in the course syllabus when determining the student’s final grade.
Any student wishing to appeal a final grade should first discuss the grade with his or her instructor. If the instructor agrees, a change of grade form must be submitted (see policy). If the student is unable to resolve the grievance over a final course grade through consultation with the instructor, the student may submit a written request for review of the course grade stating the reasons for the review request to the Department Chair and the School Dean for the Department/School in which the course was taught.
Written requests for review of a final course grade by a Department Chair and the School Dean must be submitted no later than the end of the fifth week of the next regular, academic semester.
The decision on the appeal of a final course grade by the School Dean is final and cannot be appealed.
Instructors are required to submit final grades to the Registrar via the Self-Service interface. The grade submitted to Self Service is the final grade of record regardless of what is listed in any other course management system. Instructors may ask the Registrar to change a grade without a formal process up until the point that grades are closed for that term as determined and communicated by the Registrar.
All grades, except Extension (EX), are final when grades are closed. However, the correction of a clerical or procedural error may be allowed with permission of the appropriate Department Chair or School Dean. No change of grade may be made on the basis of reassessment of the quality of a student’s work or the submission of additional work. Instructor requests to change a grade must be submitted to the Department Chair or School Dean by the last day of the add period of the regular academic semester immediately following the term of the grade change. The final decision about the change of grade request must be submitted to the Registrar no later than the last day to drop courses.
If a grade is changed, the Registrar notifies the student(s) affected by the change.
Credit/No Credit
Credit Courses that are never graded with a letter will be graded as Credit or No Credit, with a CR or an NC appearing on transcripts. A CR grade is awarded when a student has done D- or better work in a course.
Noncredit Courses
Noncredit Courses that are not letter graded will be graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory scale that will be reflected on the transcript as S or U.
Pass/LowPass/Fail for Credit Courses
Students are permitted to take elective courses on a Pass/Low Pass/Fail basis. Courses that fulfill general education, major, minor, or concentration requirements cannot be taken as P/LP/F with the exception of internships.
P/LP/F is the required grading designation for Landmark College credit internships. This serves to ensure that the degree requirement of internship within the alternative study requirement can be met at C or better.
A “P” is recorded on a student’s transcript when he/she earns a C or above. An LP is recorded in the event that a student has earned a grade of C-, D+, D or D-. An F is recorded when a student fails the course.
Selection of P/LP/F option for electives can begin as early as the add period, but must be completed before the end of the drop period of the semester. Re-designating a P/LP/F status in a course to a letter-graded status can only be completed during the add period of the semester.
Students may not select the P/LP/F option during their first semester at Landmark.
To select or deselect the P/LP/F option, a grading status form must be completed, approved by the student’s advisor, and submitted to the Registrar.
Professors do not know of a student’s P/LP/F status and, therefore, submit letter grades for all students, regardless of their grading status, to the Registrar by the end of the semester. The Registrar enters a P, LP, or F onto the student’s transcript when this grading status has been chosen.
Students may only take one course per semester with the P/LP/F grading option. Students may only apply two courses with P/LP/F grading option toward an Associate’s Degree and four toward a Bachelor’s Degree. This limit is only for instances when students choose a P/LP/F option; internships graded at P/LP/F are not applied to this limit.
If a college emergency results in the College being unable to deliver face-to-face courses as intended, all students who have to switch to online learning only, will be given the opportunity to select a Pass/Low Pass/Fail option for any course within one week of the online transition. Students who knowingly enroll in online courses during any term (Fall, Spring, January, or Summer sessions) are not eligible for this exception.
All students enrolled at Landmark College are required to complete WRT1011 Composition and Rhetoric or its equivalent and WRT 1012 Research and Analysis or its equivalent. Students must earn a minimum grade of C in each course within two attempts to stay enrolled at Landmark College.
Appeal Process: Students unable to complete the WRT1011 requirement within two attempts must petition the Dean of Education for approval to continue enrollment at Landmark College for a third attempt. Students unable to complete the WRT1012 requirement within two attempts must also petition the Dean of Education for approval to continue enrollment at Landmark College for a third attempt. Students who are unable to earn the minimum grade required for either WRT1011 or WRT1012 within three attempts may be subject to Involuntary Withdrawal from the College.
Graduation Policies
Graduation Requirements
A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 is required for graduation from Landmark College. Students must have a C (2.0) average in major requirements to successfully graduate. Students must earn a C or better in specific courses identified in the major as listed in the catalog.
The number of credits required to graduate with an associate degree is 60-61. The number of credits required for a bachelor’s degree is 120-122, depending on the major.
Students must earn 31 credits at Landmark College for an associate degree. For a bachelor’s, a student must earn 41 credits at Landmark College. See also the transfer credit policy.
For requirement details, see the major program requirements.
A student’s graduation is recorded in the database and the diploma is issued when all credits and degree requirements are complete.
Landmark College has three official graduation dates per year (December, May, and August), even though students may complete their last credits and requirements in January or at any earlier point in the Summer sessions; those finishing at these times officially graduate on the upcoming graduation date.
To be eligible for participation in a college commencement ceremony a student must have successfully completed all major required courses. Students who are within six credits of completing their degree may walk in the commencement ceremony.
Any student can file a written appeal to the President at least one month in advance of a commencement ceremony, if the student feels that their circumstances might warrant additional policy flexibility.
Walking at commencement is not a guarantee of earning a degree. For those students who walk at commencement prior to meeting ALL graduation requirements, no academic honors will be conferred until after the student meets ALL academic requirements.
The designation cum laude (with honors) on the Landmark College diploma is a recognized mark of superior academic accomplishment. Students who show particular distinction in scholarship at Landmark College will be recognized by graduating with one of three degrees of honors: Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, or Cum Laude.
Summa Cum Laude 3.8 - 4.0 GPA
Magna Cum Laude 3.5 - 3.79 GPA
Cum Laude 3.2 - 3.49 GPA
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is the International Honor Society for students enrolled in associate degree programs, serving an estimated one million members and consisting of 1,100 chapters across the United States and throughout the world. Its focus is on growth in the four hallmarks: Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Fellowship. The Beta Alpha Epsilon Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa was chartered at Landmark College in 1994.
Once a semester (Fall and Spring), students meeting the requirements are invited to join the Beta Alpha Epsilon chapter of Phi Theta Kappa. Membership eligibility is based on the last academic semester or term a student has enrolled in for coursework (Fall, January Term, Spring, and Summer Sessions). Letters of invitation are sent out after the deadline for submitting course grades to the Registrar’s office has passed. To be eligible for Phi Theta Kappa, a student must have met the following requirements:
- Completed 12 credit hours of associate degree course work at Landmark College
- Maintained a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher
- Maintained appropriate community membership (not be on Probation, Deferred Suspension, Suspension, or Expulsion within the Landmark College Judicial System)
Once a student has registered and been inducted into Phi Theta Kappa, their membership status is recorded on their official transcript by the Landmark College Registrar. Students who remain in good standing with PTK are acknowledged at graduation. For more information see the Academic Honors section of the Landmark College web site
Golden Key is the international honor society for students enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs. The world’s largest collegiate honor society, Golden Key recognizes in its membership sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students across all majors and disciplines in eight countries. The purpose of this honor society is to recognize academic excellence and to enable members to realize their potential through advancement of academics, leadership, and service.
Students who have declared a bachelor’s degree, have earned a minimum of 24 credits, and have achieved a grade point average of 3.5 or higher are invited to join Golden Key. A new member recognition event is held during Family Weekend. For more information see the Academic Honors section of the Landmark College web site
Leave of Absence Policy
Students who need to leave for a short period of time, such as for a death in the family, medical issues, etc., may be allowed to return to their classes if they are in good academic standing upon departure, and the leave of absence does not prohibit them from successful completion of the course goals and objectives. The leave period of time allowed by this policy is generally 1 to 2 weeks. Service members or reservists requiring a short-term deployment or service-related leave will be allowed up to three weeks of absence from the College. Leaves of Absence are granted by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
- Satisfactory demonstration of the attainment and completion of class goals following such a leave will be determined by the professor, in consultation with the student and the academic advisor.
- Process for re-enrollment is outlined on the following webpage:
Students who need to leave for a short period of time, such as a medical event or other kind of event that exists outside of the student’s control, should apply for a Leave Absence/ Permission to Study Remotely through the Registrar’s office who will then send the form to the Office of Student Affairs for review. Interim suspensions or suspensions are not qualified for leaves. If Student Affairs determines that the rationale meets the criteria for a justifiable leave, the student can begin working with faculty members and the advisor to develop an academic plan to be submitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for approval.
Faculty members working with the student during the term that the leave is requested will review the student’s current academic standing to ensure that the student is making satisfactory progress in their courses and has demonstrated engagement and effort toward achieving course success prior to the request for leave.The leave period of time allowed by this policy is generally 1 to 2 weeks and is dependent on the students’ course load.Whenever possible, students are encouraged to develop a plan to study remotely to stay current. The leave time should not prohibit a student from successful completion of the course goals and objectives. Service members or reservists requiring a short-term deployment or service-related leave will be allowed up to three weeks of absence from the College. Other students may be given a longer leave if the faculty can support the student’s progress through distance education, although the faculty member is under no obligation to do so.
Students are encouraged to work with the Academic Advisor and relevant faculty members to ensure that Landmark College will provide reasonable support while the student is away that includes a plan for re-engaging in coursework when the student returns and/or staying engaged while the student is studying remotely. Extensions to deadlines for course work are at the discretion of the faculty member. Extensions for institutional deadlines will be considered by the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
If students miss an extended period of time without arranging for a leave of absence or without remaining engaged with their faculty, they run the risk of being administratively withdrawn from the course or failing the course. Students who are not academically engaged for fourteen calendar days will not be allowed to voluntarily withdraw from an individual course or the College. Satisfactory demonstration of the attainment and completion of class goals following such a leave will be determined by the faculty member in consultation with the student.
Leaves of Absence/Permission to Study Remotely are granted by the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA). Students may apply for leave of absence /permission to study remotely using the appropriate form found through Registrar’s Office. A copy of the completed form will be added to the student’s file located in the Registrar’s Office.
Placement and First-Year Points of Entry
Academic Placement and Points of Entry
Students come to Landmark College with varying abilities in reading, writing, math, and information literacy. Through our placement process, we determine college readiness based on previous coursework, writing samples, and achievement scores.
We want our students to be successful, and we tailor our incoming entry points to meet the needs of students, to meet collegiate standards, and to be sure that students are placed accurately in their entering curriculum.
There are three points of entry for incoming Landmark College students: Credit, Strategic Transition Entry Point (STEP), and the Language Intensive Curriculum (LIC).
Credit Curriculum
The Credit Curriculum is designed for students entering with college-level skills.
Both required first-semester courses focus on delivering content while providing explicit skills instruction in what is often referred to as “the hidden curriculum.” Students are introduced to study strategies, writing process strategies, self-management techniques, and organization and time management.
Required Core Courses:
EDU 1011 Perspectives in Learning
This course develops study skills along with learning about the brain, behavior, and cognition. Students learn concepts related to executive function and the critical role it plays in memory and learning. Recent research has shown that many people diagnosed with language-based learning disabilities, ADHD, or ASD may have challenges in this area. Students will also learn about the legal environment related to learning disabilities to develop their self-advocacy skills.
WRT 1011 Composition and Rhetoric
This course provides reading, writing, and critical thinking skills development at the credit level to prepare students in meeting the demands of college-level expectations within the course and across the curriculum.
In addition to the required core, Credit Curriculum students take two or three credit-bearing electives.
Strategic Transition Entry Point (STEP)
STEP is a one- or two-semester program designed to increase college readiness.
We focus on helping students improve reading comprehension, writing skills, and academic habits needed to be successful in managing a full-credit curriculum.
The STEP curriculum offers:
- Intensive skills approach
- Explicit instruction in active and critical reading
- Embedded assistive technology instruction and support
- Focused instruction for generating and producing written language
- Scheduled supplemental support for reading and required core courses
STEP Requirements:
Students placed into S.T.E.P. must demonstrate proficiency in managing multiple courses and expectations to be eligible to move into the full-credit curriculum. Students must earn passing grades of C or better in WRT0911 Practical Writing and EDU 0911, College Learning Strategies. Also, students will complete in-class assessments in both Practical Writing and College Learning Strategies Reading designed to measure their progress. Grades and assessments are reviewed at the end of each semester.
If a student does not meet the grade or proficiency expectations in the first semester, they will continue in STEP the second semester. Students then enroll in the second-semester non-credit writing course, Writing for Business, WRT0912. They must also earn a minimum grade of C in WRT0912.
Students who complete the two-semester sequence of the STEP curriculum and are unable to meet the minimum grade requirements and demonstrate proficiency for college-level reading and writing may not be eligible to continue enrollment.
Required Core Courses:
First Semester
College Learning Strategies (EDU0911)
This course focuses on helping students develop the strategies needed for success in college and the work force. This course also includes an additional weekly support component facilitated by the course instructor. (Noncredit)
WRT 0911 Developmental Writing
This course focuses on developing the student writer’s ability to use writing in academic, personal, and professional contexts. Students learn to develop and organize their ideas to craft clear and concise writing in multiple genres, including those encountered in professional settings. This course also includes an additional weekly support component facilitated by the course instructor. (Noncredit)
COM 1011 Introduction to Communication
This survey course introduces students to the field of communication and enables them to increase their effectiveness and precision as public speakers and members of seminars and groups. Students explore how their perceptions influence the way they communicate and how to use a wide variety of listening skills. They become aware of how verbal and nonverbal language can alter, detract from, or enhance messages. Students also use various language strategies that promote inclusion, honesty, conflict resolution, and support from within a group. (3 credits)
FIN 1011 Personal Finance or other math placement*
This course provides students with a foundation upon which to develop lifelong personal financial management skills. Topics include: the importance of personal finance; financial planning and the time-value of money; money management skills such as budgeting, balancing a checkbook, taxes, cash management, credit/debit cards, and major purchases (auto, home, education); insurance (property/liability, health, life); and investments (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, portfolio management, real estate, retirement planning). Math Level 3 or higher required. (3 credits)
*Other Math Placement: New students take a math placement test that is hosted through our student onboarding site. Students test into a wide array of math levels from the need for noncredit math to calculus. A student’s math level is determined by departmental review and math placement test results.
Students who have taken an AP math course or college-level math should be sure to submit transcripts and scores to the Registrar before determining if they need to complete the math placement in the student onboarding site.
Students may want to round out their academic experience with one-credit enrichment offerings. We have many one-credit offerings that do not require prerequisites.
Eligibility for full credit after the first semester:
- Earned grades of C or better in EDU0911 and WRT0911.
- Completion of in-class assessments that meets benchmarks for full-credit entry.
- Our placement team reviews assessment results, includes two readers, and considers faculty input about student performance.
Required Core Courses Second Semester
WRT0912: Writing for Business
Writing for Business prepares students to be effective and confident writers in the workplace. Skill with written communication, a key attribute for professional success, is increasingly a qualification that employers seek. Whether in a class, job, internship, apprenticeship, or volunteer opportunity, the ability to communicate effectively in writing and apply the principles that guide workplace communication practices enhances professional and personal experiences. By building on writing skills and process strategies introduced in previous writing courses and adding a focus on the types of communication typically found in the workplace, students develop their ability to write and communicate with clarity and confidence. Credits: 0.000
EDU 1021 Digital Literacy
People today live in a digitally connected world. This credit course is designed to teach students the digital tools, behaviors, and ethics necessary to thrive in this ever-evolving technological landscape. Instruction is designed so that students interact with a variety of topics, including accessing and assessing information, understanding their digital footprint, using technology purposefully and ethically, managing digital communications, and protecting themselves online. (3 credits)
BUS 1011 Introduction to Business
This course surveys the dynamic environment in which businesses operate today. Students learn about economic concepts, business organization, forms of ownership, management, marketing, and managing financial resources. Actual business cases are used to explore the impact that managerial roles, market trends, legal standards, technological change, natural resources, global competition, and the active involvement of government has on businesses. The relationship between social responsibility and profits in our free enterprise system is explored. (3 credits)
General Electives
Students take a range of general electives depending on prerequisite course requirements.
Eligibility for full credit after the second semester:
- Earned grade of C or better in Writing for Business, WRT0912
- Completion of in-class assessments that meet benchmarks for full-credit entry.
- Our placement team reviews assessment results, includes two readers, and considers faculty input about student performance.
For more details, please see College Policy
Language Intensive Curriculum
The Language Intensive Curriculum (LIC) is a noncredit, one-semester intensive program for students with significant needs in reading and writing-students who are reading and writing well below college level.
The LIC emphasizes the benefits of assistive technology such as the required Kurzweil text reader along with explicit skill development. Students are also introduced to digital applications that support note taking, active reading, and time management.
Students take three developmental courses in writing, reading comprehension, and communication. Students entering the LIC also go through a screening process to determine eligibility for Wilson Reading that is organized in small groups and focuses on support strategies for dyslexia. Students who are not enrolled in Wilson support are eligible to take math or art to round out their curriculum.
Required Noncredit Core:
EDU 0111 Developing Reading & Study Strategies
This course is designed to help students develop basic study skills and reading comprehension strategies. Students establish a multi-step system and learn to improve reading comprehension through the active reading process. Paraphrasing and summarizing skills are introduced. Students will read and interact with a variety of materials, including short stories, articles, essays, etc. This class will focus on understanding rhetorical structures, developing vocabulary, and using Kurzweil, Inspiration, and Microsoft Office suite features to aid in the active learning process.
WRT 0111 Fundamentals of Writing
Students in this course will learn to generate writing on a variety of topics as they are introduced to the concept of writing as a multi-stage process. They will practice writing process strategies for generating and organizing, including freewriting, brainstorming, and using Inspiration software. They will learn and apply knowledge of sentence and paragraph structure and the basic rhetorical patterns of narration, description, and illustration. They will read a selection of short fiction and non-fiction, use reading logs to develop their active reading skills, and write short responses based on these readings. Vocabulary development and technology skills will also be practiced and reinforced in this course.
COM 0111 Language and Communication
The primary focus of this course is to create a language-rich environment in which students derive meaning from language and generate language in an academic setting. By practicing oral language and communication skills, students will learn to be more effective in expressing their own ideas and responding to the ideas of others during classroom discourse. This course is also built on the premise that developing oral language improves reading and writing skills. Narrative and descriptive language are emphasized in readings, discussions, and other forms of communication. Vocabulary development and technology skills will also be practiced.
WIL 0111 Wilson Small Group Instruction I
The Wilson Reading System is a carefully sequenced program that teaches word structure and language to students who need to develop basic reading and writing skills. Landmark College Wilson instructors are certified by the Wilson Reading organization. Students who have deficiencies in phonologic awareness and/or orthographic processing benefit from Wilson’s explicit, systematic, and multi-sensory approach to learning to read and spell. Wilson Reading instruction is offered to students who score below 8th grade equivalency in decoding and reading fluency. Students may take one or two semesters of Wilson Reading instruction.
Assistive Technology and the Language Intensive Curriculum
Students accepted into the Language Intensive Curriculum are required to use a laptop that has been installed with the required software to facilitate in-class instruction and practice. It is the student’s responsibility to make use of this software. Training in the use of a variety of technological tools is integrated into the coursework across the curriculum.
Wilson Reading Instruction
Wilson small group reading instruction is available through Step 9 to eligible students in the program. Students are eligible to receive Wilson small group reading instruction under one of the following conditions:
- Placement into the Language Intensive Curriculum (LIC) with evidence of qualification for the Wilson program during initial screening.
- Request from students who have completed the LIC program who wish to continue with Wilson instruction and are able to define how they will make room for it in their schedues.
Attendance in Wilson Reading Instruction Small Groups
Wilson small group reading instruction is an intensive program that requires regular attendance to make progress. Missing a class negatively affects the individual student as well as the group. For these reasons, a student may be Administratively Withdrawn from a group if they accrue enough absences to affect their ability to maintain their place in their group, and/or at the discretion of the instructor. If a student drops Wilson or is Administratively Withdrawn, we cannot guarantee that they will be able to re-enter the Wilson program.
Students who enter the LIC curriculum are expected to earn grades of C or better in their noncredit courses and complete a proficiency test that meets benchmarks for full credit entry. Students needing an additional semester to prepare for full credit curriculum are eligible for the STEP curriculum.
General Education
A Landmark College Liberal Arts education promotes creative and scholarly engagement, fosters understanding of and respect for self and others, and develops resilient and ethically responsible global citizens.
All degrees at Landmark College embed curricular and co-curricular experiences and share a general education core designed to provide the opportunity for students to:
1. Draw on knowledge to engage ethically and responsibly in a diverse world.
- Through a foundation in liberal arts and sciences students will knowledgeably engage with big questions, both contemporary and enduring, that shape our understanding of Human Cultures and the Natural World.
- Embedded across the curriculum and co-curriculum students will find opportunities to responsibly and ethically engage with a community and the world in a manner that supports and values diversity, inclusion, and equity.
2. Use and express critical, creative, and reflective thinking.
- Through opportunities to engage in critical reading, critical thinking, and quantitative reasoning, students will develop the habit of mind characterized by the comprehensive exploration of issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion.
- Through opportunities to engage in individual and group creativity, students will combine or synthesize existing ideas, images, or expertise in original, innovative, or divergent ways.
- Embedded across the curriculum are opportunities to develop information literacy, the ability to know when there is a need for information, and to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and responsibly use and share that information to meet that need.
3. Communicate effectively within a variety of groups and contexts.
- Through foundation courses and opportunities to write across the curriculum, students will develop their ability to communicate with purpose, clarity, coherence and persuasiveness in writing.
- Through foundation courses and opportunism across the curriculum and co-curriculum, students will develop their ability to communicate verbally and non-verbally with creativity, receptivity, purpose, clarity, and reciprocity.
- Embedded across the curriculum and co-curriculum are opportunities to use technology effectively to learn about the world, communicate, collaborate, and interact in a coherent, respectful, and ethical manner in a variety of contexts.
4. Demonstrate self-insight and a commitment to life-long learning.
- The whole Landmark College experience will help students gain self-knowledge to sustain an ongoing process of self-reflection, self-awareness and self-advocacy that leads to both self-understanding and the successful management of the skills and strategies of a life-long learner.
- Embedded wellness experiences will help students develop an understanding of how physical, social, intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and occupational wellness affect learning and contribute to personal and community well- being.
- Through an emphasis on career and life readiness, students will be prepared to live a productive and responsible life.
General Education Core Requirements provide the foundation to meet these goals. For some majors, general education core requirements are also considered to be major requirements - see specific major descriptions for more information.
At the Associate Level, students are expected to complete 31 credits which includes the following:
- EDU1011 Perspectives in Learning
- WRT1011 Composition and Rhetoric
- WRT1012 Research and Analysis
- COM 1011 Introduction to Communication
Plus one course from each of the following subject areas*:
- Humanities (HUM, HST, LIT, PHI, REL, BIO2041 and COM 2064)
- Interpersonal Communication/Creative Expression (BUS, COM, CRW, JRN, ART, CER, DRW, MUS, PNT, THE, VID, PHO)
- Laboratory Natural Science (BIO, CHE, GEO, NSC)
- Math,(MAT - see majors for specific level)
- Quantitative Reasoning,(ACC, CSC, ECN, FIN, MAT, BIO, CHE, GEO, NSC)
- Social Science (ANT, POL, PSY, SOC, ECN)
At the Baccalaureate level, students are expected to complete 41-43 credits in the core which includes all of the above plus the following:
- Advanced Discipline Writing (WRT 3011, or equivalent)
- Alternative Experiential Study (see definition below)
- Capstone Experience (4-6 credits, see definition below)
Alternative Experiential Study is an experience that motivates students to make connections between their learning and the world around them through experiences and projects that are not bounded by a traditional classroom setting. Students are expected to use this opportunity to reexamine their own points of view while considering issues and ideas from others’ perspectives. These experiences are typically not classroom based. Examples include (but are not limited to): Internships, Study Abroad, Faculty/Student Research, Mentor-Guided Service Projects, Co-Op experiences, Field experiences, or Mentor-Guided Project Development.
Capstone Experience is a significant culminating endeavor based upon students’ course work, reading, interests and experience. Through the application of principles, theories and methods learned, students analyze, synthesize and evaluate information resulting in a representative sample of students’ work in their chosen area of interest.
All Landmark College students must successfully complete at least one college-level mathematics course as part of the general education curriculum. Students are placed in an appropriate mathematics class at the time of registration by completing the required math placement instrument. Students who transfer an approved college-level mathematics course with a minimum grade of “C” will be exempt from completing the placement. Students overdue in completing the math placement may be placed on Registrar’s hold, preventing them from participating in academic registration. A student is overdue if more than one registration period has passed since they entered Landmark College.
Reporting Student Grades
Grades and Final Reports
Students receive progress reports for each class in which they are enrolled three times a semester: prior to family weekend, at the midterm, and after the course has concluded. Students can access these comments through Student Central.
Midterm progress grades are provided at the mid point in the semester. The mid term grade is not recorded on the student’s transcript and does not have an impact on the student’s GPA.
Any student enrolled in a course as of final exam week receives a final grade and final comment for the course. Students can access final comments through Student Central. Final grades are posted through Self-Service.
If a student is granted an extension, the professor of the course will submit a final comment when submitting the final grade to Self Service.
Notices of academic warning are sent via the Student Information System (SIS) to students whoare in danger of failing a course. First warnings are reported to the student and his or her advisor and, in cases where the student has waived his or her FERPA rights, to the student’s parents or designee. Second and subsequent warnings are also reported to the Dean of the School of Education at the Associate level and to the Dean of School offering the student’s major at the Bachelor’s level. Students can view all warnings and notifications through Student Central.
Transcripts contain records of courses taken, grades and credit received. Course description material and other information may be requested in addition to the transcript. Official transcripts, bearing the College seal and the Registrar’s signature, may be released only upon written request of the student or alumnus/alumna.
Landmark College has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to process Transcript Orders via the web. Students may order transcripts with any major credit card. Credit card will only be charged after an order has been completed.
Transcripts may be withheld by order of appropriate College officials, if some financial or other obligation to Landmark College remains unmet.
Transfer Credit Policies
Landmark College will accept up to 80 credits in the B.A./B.S. degree programs or 30 credits in the A.A./A.S. degree programs. All students are required to complete at least 24 out of their final 30 credits at Landmark College. In recognition of the effect the COVID-19 pandemic has on students and families, students within 24 credits of graduating whose ability to generate credits through LC is disrupted may be eligible to have this policy waived. In consideration of a waiver request, the total amount of transfer credits applicable toward the degree typically would not exceed 80 credits in the B.A./B.S. degree programs or 30 credits in the A.A./A.S. degree programs. Students seeking this pandemic-specific waiver should contact the Registrar’s office.
Determination of eligible credits depends on program requirements and individual transcripts. Transfer students entering Landmark with 40 (or more) credits may be allowed to waive certain prerequisites and/or replace core courses. Students are required to get approval from the appropriate Department Chair to enroll in higher level courses without prerequisites.
Transfer credits do not affect the student’s GPA; the course and credits are transferred, but not the grade.
The following requirements must be met to receive credit:
- Credits must be from a public or private institution accredited by an authorized regional accreditation agency, such as NECHE.
- Course Grades must be at 2.0 or higher (e.g. “C”) to be transferred to Landmark.
- Courses graded on a pass/fail basis, offered on a noncredit basis, or that are equivalent to noncredit courses at Landmark will not be transferred.
- AP courses with a grade of 3 or above may be transferred to receive credit.
- IB courses with a grade of 4 or above may be transferred to receive credit.
- CLEP General and Subject Area tests with a score of 50 may be transferred to receive credit.
The requirements for certain programs at Landmark College are waived at the discretion of the School Dean. These courses will be considered for transfer on a case-by-case basis.
Given the extraordinary circumstances all students have had to face as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Landmark College will accept courses equivalent to LC courses offered at other accredited institutions, successfully completed in Spring 2020, but graded on a pass/fail basis.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Landmark College students can be expected to make satisfactory progress toward completion of the program within a specific time frame. Federal standards require that students complete their program within 150% of the standard program length. That is, students attending full time and working towards our Associate’s degree of 61 credits must complete the degree in 3 years. They may attempt as many as 92 credits in order to complete the degree in this time. Students attending Landmark College as full time students, and working towards our Bachelor’s degree must complete in six years, and can take up to 180 attempted credits to fulfill the 120 credit degree requirement.
Students enrolled in non-credit courses are expected to be enrolled in and successfully complete at least four courses each semester in order to be considered full-time students. Federal regulations state that students on financial aid may not receive aid for more than 30 credit-equivalents (where each non-credit class is worth 3 credit-equivalents) attempted or completed of remedial credits. Full time students must progress through any given level of the non-credit curriculum within two semesters and a summer term, and be enrolled in a credit course load after one year. Students who require an additional semester at the non-credit level may appeal to the Dean of the School of Education for a waiver. The maximum time a student may spend in non-credit courses is two years, however, students needing financial aid will not be eligible for a continuation of aid if they remain in non-credit courses over one year and one summer term.
Students enrolled full-time in credit courses are expected to be enrolled in, and successfully complete, at least four courses (or twelve credit hours) each semester, and to complete all of the requirements for the Associate Degree within three years (six semesters and one summer term). Students who may be making progress but who are unable to complete the program requirements within the expected time allotment may request an extension from the School Dean. Such students must produce documentation of progress and propose in writing a time frame and schedule for completion of the requirements. Federal law, however, states that students taking more than 150 percent of time to complete a degree will not be eligible to receive financial aid beyond the 150% of time to completion.
Students attending Landmark College are expected to enroll in 12 credits per semester or the equivalent at the non-credit level. Students may enroll in up to 17 academic credits. Students desiring to take 18 or more credits during the course of a semester should petition the Dean of the School of Education.
A student may withdraw from Landmark College until 5 p.m. on the last day of classes, as long as the student has been academically engaged* in at least one course within 10 days prior to the withdrawal request. (*See academic engagement policy ).
Upon withdrawing, a “W” symbol will appear in the grade column on a student’s transcript for all courses still in session on the effective date of withdrawal. Courses that ended before the effective date of the withdrawal will report grades following normal conventions. All courses that have not yet started as of the effective date of the withdrawal will be deleted and no entry will appear on the student’s transcript.
Students who live in a residence hall must check out of the hall within 24 hours after withdrawing.
Any courses completed prior to the point of withdrawal from the College will remain on the student’s transcript.
There are four classifications of withdrawal. They are as follows:
A student who leaves Landmark College without informing the Office of Student Affairs or the Office of the Academic Affairs may be administratively withdrawn from the College after missing 10 consecutive class days.
Students capable of signing the official withdrawal form are expected to do so. If the student is not capable of signing the form, the Vice President of Student Affairs (VPSA) or the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) or their designee may sign on behalf of the student.
Students who are suspended from Landmark College will not be allowed on campus as of the effective date of their suspension without the express, written consent from the VPSA or the VPAA. Students who are suspended will be eligible for re-enrollment at a future date and may have specific re-enrollment criteria to be met for re-enrollment to be considered.
Students who are expelled from Landmark College will not be allowed on campus as of the effective date of their expulsion without the express, written consent from the VPSA or the VPAA. Students who are expelled from Landmark College will not be readmitted.
Students may be forced to withdraw from Landmark College for inadequate academic performance (e.g., dropping down to one class or being administratively removed from all individual classes, or falling outside expectations for academic engagement), or when the College determines that the student is a possible danger to one’s self or to others or that the student has refused to cooperate with efforts deemed necessary by the College to determine if the student represents such a danger.
A medical withdrawal will be granted in the case of extraordinary circumstances - such as a serious illness or injury - that prevent a student from continuing his or her coursework. This classification covers both physical-health and mental-health difficulties. A student must notify the VPSA of their intent to withdraw within 14 calendar days of their last date of course attendance and provide documentation from a qualified professional for a medical withdrawal within 30 days of his or her departure from campus. The College may certify a medical withdrawal without documentation. Clearance from qualified professionals may be required for a student to resume their studies in a later semester.
At any time during the year, a student may withdraw from Landmark College for personal reasons, as long as the student has been academically engaged in at least one course within 10 days prior to the withdrawal request. Students withdrawing for academic reasons should consult with the VPAA (or designee). Students withdrawing for personal reasons should consult with the VPSA (or designee). During the withdrawal process, students will have the opportunity to discuss requirements for readmission if warranted.
If a student withdraws from the College during a Fall or Spring semester, or has been away from the College for a semester or more, and wants to return to the college for any academic session (Fall, Spring, J-Term, or Summer) the student must re-enroll through the Office of Enrollment Management. Former advisors and other offices are not involved in the re-enrollment process.
While the majority of students who apply for re-enrollment do return to Landmark College, re-enrollment is not guaranteed to any applicant. The College seeks to re-enroll only those students who have demonstrated an ability to remain in good academic standing and citizenship, and who are likely to complete degree requirements. Therefore, the College may sometimes advise an applicant to defer their return until a time later than the one originally proposed. The following factors will be considered in the re-enrollment process:
- In all cases, re-enrollment will require a personal statement outlining why the student is requesting re-enrollment to the College and how the student has occupied their time while away from the campus. Students must also include transcripts from any educational institution they attended while they were away from Landmark.
- If the student withdrew for conduct reasons or was suspended, the student should include in the personal statement evidence that they have been constructively occupied and have maintained a satisfactory standard of conduct.
- Students who left in poor academic standing may be placed on Academic Probation or Warning (depending on their standing at the time they left the College). Either probation or warning may carry with it additional expectations for students to regain good academic standing. These expectations will be outlined in the student’s re-enrollment agreement.
- Students who withdrew for medical reasons or for reasons of safety must obtain a recommendation from a clinical practitioner who is qualified to assess the student’s current state of physical and/or mental health and can state that the student is ready to reengage in a residential college and the rigors of a course of academic study.
- Students who were suspended from the College must provide all documentation required in their letter of suspension from the College.
- Students who left with pending disciplinary charges will be required to address those matters with the student conduct office before re-enrollment can be completed.
To initiate the re-enrollment process, please complete the Online Re-enrollment Request Form:
Once received, the request will be reviewed by the College. In most cases, a response will be provided within 10 days. Any further questions about re-enrollment to the College should be directed to the Office of Enrollment Management.
More information about this policy can be found online at