Mar 02, 2025
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PSY4011 Social Identity in a Diverse World This seminar course explores the impact of diversity on who you are as a person, with attention paid to neurodiversity. Identity, one’s definition of the self, is a cornerstone of wellness and an area of psychosocial growth in adolescence and adulthood. In this course, students will use social identity development models and intersectional concepts to explore their own identities and those of writers who define themselves as neurodivergent, transgender, persons of color, and combinations of these and other social categories. Students will be asked to read an interdisciplinary selection of books and articles, lead a seminar session, write an autobiographical paper, and write a research article following disciplinary conventions in psychology. Credits: 3.000
WRT 3011 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C And ART 3001 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or EDU 3001 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or EDU 3001 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or HUM 3001 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or LIT 3001 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C Or NSC 3001 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C OrSOC 3001 Lecture Min Credits: 3.00 Min Grade: C