Mar 02, 2025
2019-2020 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Life Science, A.S.
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The Associate of Science in Life Science (AS-LS) degree at Landmark College focuses on hands-on scientific inquiry to give students the ability to acquire essential knowledge in the life sciences, conduct and analyze research based on principles of scientific inquiry, apply scientific knowledge to analyze real world problems and issues, develop useful skills for working within a life sciences field, and to communicate scientific content clearly and effectively. Landmark College Life Science majors choose from one or two strands, health science or environmental science, so they can begin to focus on a career while gaining a solid foundation in the sciences.
To earn the AS-LS students must complete 60 credits which includes the general education core (21 credits not met by major requirements), 25 credits of major requirements, 7-8 credits of major distribution credits in a focus area and 6-7 credits of open electives.
General Education Requirements: 31 credits
21 credits plus 10 credits of major requirements that also fulfill general education requirements: - WRT1011 Composition and Rhetoric 3 credits
- WRT1012 Research and Analysis 3 credits
- EDU1011 Perspectives in Learning 3 credits
- COM1011 Introduction to Communication 3 credits
- Social Science (ANT, ECN, POL, PSY, SOC) 3 credits
- Humanities ((HUM, HST, LIT, PHI, REL, BIO2041 and COM 2064)
- Interpersonal Communication / Creative Expression (ART, BUS, COM, CER, CRW, DRW, JRN, MUS, PHO, PNT, THE, VID) 3 credits
Major Requirements: 32-33 credits
8 credits of Biology: 8 credits of Chemistry: 6 credits of Mathematics: 3 credit Career/Major Exploration 7-8 credits - Focus Area Choice: - Student choose to focus in Environmental Biology or Life Science and take two additional courses in one of these areas.
*Changing to Comparitive Vertbrate Anatomy and Vertebrate Physiology Open Electives: 6-7 credits
6-7 credits any level Only 6 - 1 credit courses allowed |
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